Neji Hyuga is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Naruto created by Masashi Kishimoto . He is a member of Might Guy's Team Guy, consisting of himself, Rock Lee, and Tenten. He is also considered part of the Konoha 11.
Neji is the only known Hyuga clan member whose first name does not start with a kana from the Ha-gyō . His name means "Screw", "Spiral", or "Helix", which probably refers to his Heavenly Spin technique. Neji uses a style similar to Baguazhang and has techniques containing "Eight Trigrams Palm" in their names. His name also bears resemblance to Nèijiā, the word for soft when applied to Chinese martial arts techniques. Soft styles such as Taijiquan and Xingyiquan put their emphasis on "internal power" rather than "external power", and tend to stress circular redirection and controlling the force of an opponent rather than attempting to use force against force. These martial arts are a possible basis for Neji's Gentle Fist style.
In Shonen Jump's annual character popularity polls, Neji often ranks in the Top 10,
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